Forward Accounting

Your Future-Focused, Proactive Partners

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As an accounting firm with a Virtual Family Office, we combined the following five disciplines to provide the most proactive and holistic planning available to ensure our clients are maximizing their potential:

  • Tax Planning
  • Risk Mitigation
  • Wealth Management
  • Legal Services
  • Business Advisory


Combining Proactive Planning and the Virtual Family Office Experience.

Over the years we have recognized that our best clients want PROACTIVE and HOLISTIC planning.

  • HOLISTIC describes the importance of taking the complete picture into
    account, when analyzing the individual variables
  • PROACTIVE refers to creating or controlling an opportunity, rather than
    reacting to it after it has happened

Unfortunately most professional do not work together to ensure that their individual expertise creates synergy with their clients’ other professionals. Most CPAs, attorneys, financial advisors, insurance agents, business consultants, etc. all work reactively in their own “silos”. They rarely consider or discuss how their advice may impact the holistic planning needs of the client.

Imagine how dangerous this same lack of “joined-up thinking” would be if medical professionals didn’t communicate with each other similarly.

That is why at [sitename] we have upgraded to a 21st century business model based around HOLISTIC and PROACTIVE advice.

Maximizing Our Clients’ Potential Through Proactive & Holistic Planning